Climate is changing, inequality grows, aggression and hunger are spreading. Too bad? Too bad! But who takes action? Who dedicates to taking care of others? Who steps up for sustainability and the protection of our climate? Who shapes communities, politics, international treaties? Do you want to be inspired by individuals that take action, to co-create our society and the world we live in?
Do you care?
Become a part of our group of 20 young individuals from Tanzania and Germany who slip into the role of journalists and editors. Together we travel to three different places in Tanzania, from the vibrant city of Dar es Salaam to Zanzibar, rich in history and culture.
We go on a research journey to the core of active citizenship, encounter inspiring individuals who care. In doing so, we explore different ways of living together in Tanzania and trace their roots and causes. Along the way, we experience this hands-on ourselves within our bilateral group as we shape the way we live and work together - and take care of one another. At the end of our journey, our Who cares? journal will reflect on our experiences and insights. A print to encourage and inspire.
Time frame
31. August till 21. September 2023 (begin and end of the project: Frankfurt a.M. Flughafen) and 16.-18.06. preparatory meeting
Please send your application by 30. April 2023.
What to expect
Who cares? is a bilateral youth exchange project organised by the Tanzania Youth Coalition and MitOst Hamburg.
We will start from Frankfurt a.M. into our 21 day journey on which we will discuss, cook, laugh and reflect with one another. Who cares? is no all-inclusive travel to Tanzania but an exchange project that becomes unique through your participation, input to the programme and active contribution to all levels of the group interaction. When in Tanzania, we will usually cater for ourselves and our accommodations will be basic (tent, hostel) with less facilities than you might be used to.
We will use two additional meetings in Germany, one in June to prepare and get-to-know each other – likely near Hamburg – and one to evaluate the project in November, which will be a great opportunity to meet newmade friends once again.
Preparation meeting/Evaluation
We want you to contribute your personality and unique skills to the project and to feel comfortable. That’s why our preparatory meeting in June (16.-18.06.) shall allow us to get to know each other and to complete the exchange programme with your interests and ideas. We will meet from Friday evening to Sunday noon, likely near Hamburg. Our partners in Tanzania will be connected digitally. Please keep these days free when you decide to apply to participate in the project.
It is important to us to adequately support our experiences and learning process throughout the project. Next to the preparation, we thus want to evaluate the exchange together with you in a follow-up meeting towards the end of the year (likely November). We will finalise the work on the journal and also produce the print version here. …also a nice opportunity to meet the newmade friends once again.
You can participate if you ...
... are aged 18 to 25,
... aim to meet and engage with new people,
... are comfortable in English (project language),
... participate in the preparatory meeting from 16.-18.06.,
... plan to participate in the second part of the exchange in Germany in August/ September 2024 when the Tanzanian group will visit,
... take interest in writing articles, designing a journal, taking photos, editing,
… feel a connection to Hamburg.
You can also participate in case ...
... your English isn’t flawless*
... your piggy bank doesn’t allow for the full participation fee. Let us know via mail, we are sure to find a solution.
*neither is ours. Count the mistakes.. ;)
Costs and services
The youth exchange is supported by the BINGO! Umweltlotterie. Additional funding for the exchange has been applied for from the Senatskanzlei Hamburg and the Sozialbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg.
Your own contribution is 710€. This includes flights, food and accommodation for the project and all other programme costs. In addition, we will take out a health, accident, liability and legal expenses insurance for you for the duration of the project.
The implementation of the project is subject to funding.
Additional costs will occur for travel to and from the preparatory meeting and to and from Frankfurt Airport, for the visa application and any voluntary vaccinations.
So are we - about YOU!
© MitOst Hamburg, NomuHub, Luna Wolter
Information and contact
Annika and Hauke
Anmeldung und Teilnahmebedingungen
Anmeldung (pdf) Teilnahmebedingungen (pdf)
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... über die Stadt Daressalam
... über Tansania
... auf der Webseite des Auswärtigen Amtes
Unsere Förderer und Partner
BINGO! Umweltlotterie
Sozialbehörde Hamburg
Tanzania Youth Coalition