
Einladung | Open School Of Urban Change

WHERE: Krasnoyarsk, Russia |WHEN: 26 October – 1 November 2014.

WHERE: Krasnoyarsk, Russia 

 WHEN: 26 October – 1 November 2014. 


  • Young professionals whose interests are in the sphere of urban design and activists with experience in city change 
  • 18 to 30 years old;
  • Germany, Poland, Hungary, Armenia citizens 
  • If you want to visit Krasnoyarsk – Siberan city in the very heart of Russia – and not only visit but know it from the point of urban design and contribute to making it a better place;
  • if you are interested in learning about principles and functions of the urban public space, best practices and approaches to its creation and development; if you want to share your experience, ideas, vision and also try to implement them in real city context…


 you are welcome to join the Open School of Urban Change! 

 WORKING LANGUAGES: Russian and English 

 The Open School of Urban Change will involve many recognized experts from Russia and from abroad: Kristoffer Weiss (Denmark), Christian Pagh (Denmark), Maria Weitz (Russia), Lydia Lobanova (Russia) and others (for details please visit our FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/urbanschool.krsk/). 

 25 participants from Krasnoyarsk and other Russian cities and 25 participants from Germany, Poland, Hungary, Armenia. Registration is required. To participate in the workshop, please fill in an application on-line at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/122V-9jgg8oBamSrQMdZ-gx29pHK-GQ_QgZw8SCs5i1Y/viewform  

 Applications are accepted on ongoing basis but the earlier the application is send the more successful is the procedure of making visa and organizing the trip. Detailed information on transportation, housing, program, etc. can be found on our FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/urbanschool.krsk/  

 The workshop is held by 

  • Krasnoyarsk Regional Youth Public Organization "INTERRA" (Russia, Krasnoyarsk) -(www.interrasibir.com)
  • International Public Association MitOst (Germany) (www.mitost.org) and supported by 
  • Mikhail Prokhorov's Fund for Cultural Initiatives (www.prokhorovfund.ru)
  • EU Youth in Action Programme (former program)

 If you need any other additional information please contact Jan Hulman: jan.hulman(at)interrasibir.com  

Please support us and spread the information so widely you only can because the project will start already on 26th of October. Thank you very much in advance.